If you follow my blog here you'll know that movies inspire me. I watched the Revenant tonight and I feel inspired...
For a few days now I've been making it a point to read the Bible. I feel like if I'm going to claim to be a Christian than I should have read the Bible, at least once. I've written about this before but now I'm doing it! I've also been feeling alone which leads me to the thoughts of what exactly am I living for? From my observations around me I'm living for things. I'm living to buy stuff or to work and pay off debt for stuff I probably didn't need. Although I'm not here to complain about financial woes,..
I'm here to talk about, what are you living for? This past weekend my family had an estate/yard sale for my Grandparents stuff. It kills me when I think of them being gone and seeing the things they've accumulated over their life was a reminder that they weren't here. My cousin mentioned how a Tupperware container had an E written on it in permanent marker for my Grandmother's name Eunice. Eventually everything we possess will fade away... Today I was wondering, what can I buy to make my gameroom really hit the ceiling of WOW factor! Of course my gameroom is basically maxed out with no room to put anything else but I still need more... I need to feel happy by purchasing something, I need something that no one else has! Thing I realized today is, that's how everyone thinks. Everyone wants it all or the latest and greatest, we're just not successful if we don't have a lot of stuff! Right? Wrong...
What I read in the Bible today states that our treasure's should be stored up in Heaven, not here on earth. Here on earth things are prone to rot, decay, rust, theft... In Heaven is where you want to keep your treasures where they will stay for eternity.
So now I'm in a deep state of, what am I here for? I have to find what I'm living for, this life I'm living now just isn't it. I figure if I'm going to die I might as well die trying...